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Polytechnic Physics Vol.1 is specially written for Polytechnic students of 1st Semester as per new syllabus issued y OARD of TECHNICAL Education. It has 8 chapters.
I. UNITS AND DIMENSIONS ……………………………………………………….. 1-31
1.1.1 Measurements
1.1.2 Units and Standards
1.1.3 Fundamental and Derived Units
1.1.4 World Standards
1.1.5 Systems of Units
1.1.6 Some Derived S.I. Units
1.2.1 Accuracy, Precision and Error
1.2.2 Different Types of Errors
1.2.3 Estimation of errors
1.2.4 Propagation or Combintion of Errors
1.2.5 Significant Figures
1.3.1 Dimensions of Physical Quantity
1.3.2 Dimensional Equation of Physical Quantities
1.3.3 Applications of Dimensional Analysis
II. BASIC MECHANICS ………………………………………………………………….. 32-169
2.1.1 Introduction to scalar and Vector Quantities
2.1.2 Representation of vectors
2.1.3 Addition of Vectors
2.1.4 Subration of Vectors
2.1.5 Scalar Multiple of a Vector
2.1.6 Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition
2.1.7 Rectangular Resolution of a Vector
2.1.8 Position Vector of a Point
2.1.9 Product of Two Vectors
2.2 Equations of Rectilinear Motion
2.3.1 Newton’s Laws of Motion
2.3.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion
2.3.3 The Second Law Of Motion
2.3.4 Newton’s First Law of Motion is a Special Case of Newton’s Second Law
2.3.5 Newton’s third Law of Motions
2.3.6 Inertial Mass
2.3.7 Conservation Of Linear Momentum
2.3.8 Some Application of the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
2.4. Circular Motion
2.4.1 Uniform Circular Motion
2.4.2 Uniform Circular Motion-Centripetal Force2.4.3 Centrifugal Force
2.4.4 Motion Round and Curved Track
2.4.5 Super Elevation
2.5. Work : Power : Energy
2.5.1 Work
2.5.2 Power
2.5.3 Energy
2.5.4 Kinetic Energy
2.5.5 Work-Energy Theorem
2.5.6 Potential Energy
2.5.7 Nuclear Energy
2.5.8 Conservation of Energy
2.5.9. Conservation of Mechanical Energy of a Freely Falling Body
2.6. Simple Harmonic Motion
2.6.1 Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.)
2.6.2 Some terms associated with Simple Harmonic Motion
2.6.3 Graphical Representation of S.H.M.
2.6.4. Simple Pendulum
2.6.5 Experimental Determination of g by a simple pendulum
2.7.1 Rotational Motion
2.7.2 Torque or moment of force
2.7.3 Angular Momentum
2.7.4 Moment of Inertia
2.7.5 (a) Relation between Torque and Angular Acceleration
(b) Relation between Torque and Angular Momentum
III. GRAVITY AND GRAVITATION ………………………………………………… 170-198
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Newton’s Laws of Gravitation
3.3 Units and Dimensions of Gravitational Constant (G)
3.4 Gravitation and Gravity
3.5 Relation between g and G
3.6 Variation in the value of ‘g’
3.7 Centre of Mass
3.8 The Centre of Gravity
3.9 Distinction between mass and gravity
3.10 Escape velocity, orbital velocity and artificial satellite
IV. PROPERTIES OF SOLID ……………………………………………………………. 199-217
4.1. Matter
4.2 Potential Energy and Intermolecular Force
4.3. Solids
4.4. Crystalline Structure of Solids
4.5 Elasticity
4.6 Some Definitions
4.7 Hooke’s Law
4.8 Poisson’s Ratio (s)
V. PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS .……………………………………………………… 218-249
5.1 Thrust
5.1.1 Pressure
5.1.2 Pressure at a certain depth
5.1.3 Characteristics of liquid pressure
5.1.4 Pascal’s Law : Transmission of Liquid Pressure
5.1.5 The Hydraulic Press (Bramah’s Press)
5.1.6 Hydraulic Jack
5.1.7 Hydraulic Brakes
5.2 Archimedes Principle : Buoyancy
5.2.1 Determination of Volume and Density of Solids
5.2.2 Immersed and Floating Bodies
5.2.3 Specific Gravity (S.G.)
5.2.4 Determination of Specific Gravity Experimentally
VI. PROPERTIES OF GAS .…………………………………………………………… 250-268
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Atmospheric Pressure
6.3 Torricellis Experiment
6.4 Value of atmospheric pressure
6.5 Barometer
6.5.1 Fortin’s Barometer
6.5.2 Weather Forecasting
6.6 Boyle’s Law
6.7 Common Pump or Suction Pump (Tube-Well Pump)
6.8 Siphon
6.9 Air Suction Pump : Vacuum Pump
VII. HEAT AND THERMODYNAMICS ……………………………………………. 269-346
7.1 (a) Concept of Heat and (b) Concept of Temporature
7.1.1 Measurement of Temperature : Thermometry
7.1.2 Scales of Temperature
7.1.3 Relationship between different scales
7.1.4 Thermometers
7.2 Thermal Expansion
7.2.1 Expansion of Solids
7.2.2 Expansion or contraction depends on the nature of material
7.2.3 Different Aspects of Expansion
7.2.4 Linear Expansion of Solids
7.2.4 Coefficient of linear expansion
7.2.5 Superficial Expansion of Solids
7.2.6 Cubical Expansion of Solid
7.2.7 Expansion of Liquids
7.2.8 Relation Between Co-efficient of Real and Apparent Expansion of Liquid
7.2.9 Anomalous Expansion of Water
7.9.10 Variation of Density with temperature
7.3 Measurement of heat
7.3.1 Quantity of heat
7.3.2 Unit of Heat
7.3.3 Specific Heat
7.3.4 Thermal Capacity
7.3.5 Water Equivalent
7.3.6 Principle of calorimetry
7.3.7 Measurement of Specific heat
7.4 Change of State
7.4.1 Melting and Freezing
7.4.2 Change of Volume on melting and on Solidifying
7.4.3 Effect of pressure on melting point : Regelation
7.4.4 Laws of Fusion
7.4.5 Vaporization
7.4.6 Boiling or ebullition
7.4.7 Evaporation
7.4.8 Latent Heat
7.4.9 Sensible heat and Latent heat
7.4.10 Experimental determination of latent heat of fusion of ice
7.4.11 Experimental Determination of Latent heat of Vaporisation of Water
7.5 Hygrometry
7.5.1 Saturate and unsaturated vapour
7.5.2 Some properties of saturated and unsaturated vapour
7.5.3 Moisture in the Atmosphere
7.5.4 Humidity of Air
7.5.5 Dew point
7.5.6 Hair Hygrometer
7.6 Transmission of Heat
7.6.1 Modes of transmission of Heat
7.6.2 Good and Bad conductors of Heat
7.6.3 Thermal conductivity
7.6.4 Searle’s Experiment
7.6.5 Thermopile
7.7 First law of thermodynamics
7.7.1 Heat and Mechanical work
7.7.2 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
7.7.3 Experimental Determination of Mechanical Equivalent of Heat (J)
8.1 Transverse & Longitudinal wave
8.1.1 Wave
8.1.2 Transverse wave Propagation
8.1.3 Longitudinal wave Propagation
8.1.4 Wavelength and Frequency
8.2.1 Production of Sound
8.2.2 Propagation of Sound
8.2.3 Expression for velocity of Sound
8.2.4 Lap lace’s correction
8.2.5 Factors effecting velocity of Sound
8.2.6 Velocity of sound in solids and liquids
8.3.1 Range of Frequencies
8.3.2 Sonar : Determination of the Depth of Ocean
8.4.1 Musical Sound and Noise
8.4.2 Characteristics of Musical Sound
8.4.3 Doppler’s Effect
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