Animal Taxonomy, Systematics, and Biostatistics with Practical : Dr. Tripurari Mishra & Dr. Diwakar Mishra
This textbook is tailored to meet the requirements of undergraduate students studying Zoology in the 4th semester at Gauhati University, Rajiv Gandhi University, and other Indian universities and autonomous colleges, as per the FYUGP (NEP) guidelines. It provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding taxonomy, systematics, and biostatistics, integrating theory with practical applications.
1. Introduction : Definition of Taxonomy, Stages in Taxonomy Siginficance of Taxonomy, Period of Taxonomy Aims and tasks of Taxonomy, Taxonomy as a Profession
2. Taxonomy and Systematics : Introduction, Kinds of Systmetics, Linnaean Era Post-Linnaean Taxonomy, Theories of biological classification, Taxonomy categories, Significance of Taxonomy, Applications of Taxonomy, Dimensions of Specification, Mode of Specification, Concept of Species, Subspecies and other infra-specific categories, Type of Species,
3. Taxonomy Characters and Keys : Taxonomy Character, Isolating Mechanisms Taxonomy procedure, Preservatives and Fixatives Taxonomy keys
4. Zoological Nomenclature and Identification : International code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), Principles, Application and Rules, Reasons for the changes of name, Taxonomy and Nomenclature synonyms, Significance of synonyms, Principles of Typification
5. Evolutionary Character of Classification : Charectors Ancestral vs Derived, Homology and Anology, Parrallelism and Convergence, Monophyla Polyphyla, Paraphyla, Phylogenies, Rootes tree Unrooted tree, Phenograme
6. Preliminary Concept of Biostatistics : Introduction, Development of Biostatistics Role of Biostatistics, Definition of Statistics Characteristics of Statistics, Uses of Biostatistics Data and data types, Sampling and its methods Merits and demerits of sampling, Array, Type of Classification, Method of Presentation of Statistical Data, Tabulation and its types Frequency distribution, Graphical representation of data
7. Central Tendency : Mathematical average, Average of position (Median, Mode), Relationship between Mean, Median and Mode, Measures of Partition values
8. Measures of Dispersion : Definition, Measures of Variability, Measures of Variation (Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance), Coefficient Variation, Standard Error, Test of Significance
9. F-Test and Analysis of Variance : F-Test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Type of Analysis of Variance,
10. Statistical Inference : Hypothesis, Type of Hypothesis, Testing of Hypothesis Procedure of testing Hypothesis, The relationship between Hypothesis testing and Confidence interval Estimation, Large samples tests
11. Students’ T-Test : Properties of distribution, Computation of test Statistics Paired t-test for difference of means
12. Chi-Square Test : Introduction, Degree of freedom, Distribution
Introduction, Degree of freedom, Distribution
13. Practical
Selected references